Final Fantasy 15 Slot Machine


Note: This guide is under constructions.We’ll add more locations as soon as the game is out. FFXV Machinery Machinery is a separate category of weapons in FFXV. Apart from Noctis, who can apparently wield any and every weapon in the game, it can be used by Prompto. Gambling is a recurring story element in the Final Fantasy series. It is often expressed through minigames, allowing players to spend money or items to play games and perhaps win prizes. Frequent minigames of this type include chocobo racing or a similar event, slot machines, and card games. Gambling is also present via the Slots ability and the Gambler class. For gambling game mechanics as. Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is a base-building MMO in the vein of Game of War: Fire Age. In this game, players are in charge of expanding their personal Empire by constructing a variety of buildings and defences that will allow them to both fend off others players' invading armies and conquer other cities themselves.

Final Fantasy XV allows you to spend AP (ability points) to buy and upgrade various abilities. These points are often given out as a reward for various activities.Depending on what kind of play style you prefer, you’ll only need certain skills, while others will be nearly useless. In this guide, we’re going to show you a list of FFXV best starting builds, to help you invest your AP into the best nodes.
If you’re looking for some nice weapons to go along with these, check out our

Phoenix Fantasy Slot Machine

Best starting weapons guide.

FFXV Best Skills

While it is possible to upgrade all abilities, you’d need to spend an insane amount of AP. It can be done, but the time required for it is better spent enjoying the game. With that in mind, we’re going to limit ourselves to spending 200 AP per build. This is a large enough sum to cover the starting period. After that, you should already have an idea of how you want to develop your crew. We’re going to give you some suggestions, but we’ll be focusing on starting abilities the most.

Spellcaster build

Magic is awesome. You can one-shot enemies without even properly engaging, and you can create spells to target their natural weaknesses. Here are the abilities you should invest in first:
  • Analyze (Teamwork, 6AP) – Learn enemy weaknesses when combat starts. This is essential.
  • Elementalism (Magic, 24 AP) – Get more energy from deposits. This is important, since you’ll need the energy to craft spells.
  • Powercraft (Magic, 20 AP) – Spell crafting potency +10. Stronger spells mean less casting, less crafting, less resources.
  • Magic Action (Magic, 24 AP) – Get AP when casting. Free AP. What’s not to like?
  • Extra Powercraft (Magic, 99 AP) – Spell crafting potency +30.
You’ll need 183 AP to get there. Once you’ve got the essentials down, you should go for the skills that allow you to get even more energy from deposits, as well as the ones that let you craft more than one spell.

Melee build

If you like shedding blood yourself, you’re probably going to go for a melee build. You should concentrate on increasing Noctis’ combat prowess, while also diverting into Techniques a bit. Here’s what we recommend:
  • Airstep (Combat, 6 AP) – Allows you to double-jump.
  • Deathdrop (Combat, 28 AP) – A move that allows you to warp and do a drop attack from a distance.
  • Light Phase (Combat, 8 AP) – Reduces phasing MP cost.
  • Blink (Combat, 8AP) – Dodge enemy attacks by phasing through them at the last moment, without MP cost.
  • Blink Boost (Combat, 32 AP) – Recover MP by using Blink.
  • Dawnhammer (Techniques, 8 AP) – Gladiolus does heavy damage to a single enemy, uses up 2 tech bars.
  • Starshell (Techniques, 8 AP) – Prompto draws enemy attention away, uses up 1 tech bar.
  • Tech Strike (Techniques, 48 AP) – Fill up the tech bar when Noctis hits enemies.
  • Chained Fury (Combat 10 AP) – Boost combo damage if you don’t get damaged yourself.
  • Warp Factor (Combat, 24 AP) – Boost warp strike damage.
  • Analyze (Teamwork, 6 AP) – Show enemy weaknesses when the battle starts.
  • Health Level (Stats, 10 AP) – Increases everyone’s health by double the levels gained.
You will require 196 AP to get these. At this point, you’ll be well equipped for combat, and you’ll have the ability to use your buddies to distract or devastate the enemy, as well as a skill that lets you use them more often. Afterwards, we recommend building up both yours and their combat skills further.

Team fighting build

Your friends have some powerful moves up their sleeves. You can use their skills to your advantage, but you’ll have to reach a point where you’re a good commander. Here’s what you should unlock:
  • First Strike (Teamwork, 6 AP) – Prompto gains first strike against a nearby enemy, fills up a portion of the tech bar.
  • Scintilla (Teamwork, 18 AP) – Prompto counterattacks and stuns an enemy.
  • Analyze (Teamwork, 6 AP) – Discover enemy weaknesses when you start battle.
  • Lancet (Teamwork, 18 AP) – Ignis counterattacks and drains life from an enemy.
  • Venom Fang (Teamwork, 24 AP) – Ignis poisons an enemy after Noctis’ combo.
  • Reflex (Teamwork, 6 AP) – Gladio counterattacks, makes enemy flinch.
  • Antagonize (Teamwork, 24 AP) – Gladio paralyzes an enemy while Noctis is defending.
  • Link Up (Teamwork, 8 AP) – Increase link-up damage.
  • Health Level (Stats, 10 AP) – Increases everyone’s HP to double their level.
  • Chained Fury (Combat, 10 AP) – Increases combo damage if you’re not interrupted.
  • Stalker (Combat, 28 AP) – Increases blindside damage.
  • Savior’s Fortitude (Recovery, 20 AP) – Increases ally’s defense after you revive them.
Your goal hear would be to maximize the efficiency of your buddies, while you play a purely DPS role. Use them to stun and otherwise occupy enemies, while you backstab them and chain together long combos. This build will cost you 178 AP. A good follow up would be investing into their health and regen abilities.

AP farming build

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This one is for all the munchkins out there. If all you care about is getting as buff as possible, as fast as possible, this build should be of interest to you. It allows you to gain AP while doing absolutely nothing. After you’re done, you’ll have a bunch of ability points to invest into whatever you want. Here’s what you’ll need:
  • Angler Action (Exploration, 18 AP) – Gain AP for catching fish.
  • Roadrunning (Exploration, 32 AP) – Gain AP for long car trips.
  • Roadlife (Exploration, 99 AP) – Gain EXP for long car trips.
  • Happy Camping (Exploration, 20 AP) – Gain more AP from camping.
You’ll need around 20 seconds per fish, which makes it a good source of AP. If you enjoy fishing, you can disregard the other skills. If not, jump into the car during daylight hours and let Ignis take you on a funky ride. You’ll basically get EXP and AP for sitting in the back seat, listening to Final Fantasy soundtracks. Once night falls, make camp, gain more AP, then go riding around again.
If you’ve got interesting builds you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

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iOS + Android

Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire is a base-building MMO in the vein of Game of War: Fire Age.

In this game, players are in charge of expanding their personal Empire by constructing a variety of buildings and defences that will allow them to both fend off others players' invading armies and conquer other cities themselves.

There are a lot of structures and menus to navigate and sometimes simply finding the location you need can be a challenge. Our Buildings guide will show what a Building looks like, its description and purpose, its stats when first built and upgraded to level 2, as well as whether it can be accessed via the quick-nav 'More' menu.

We've excluded a few Buildings--like the Advanced Armory and Memorial--which are not available to be constructed until later in the game.

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Fantasy Empire

Description: 'The Armory allows you to Craft Equipment for your Hero and combine Gems and Materials to improve their quality. Crafting Equipment rewards Hero EXP.'
The Gist: You can equip your Hero with items found or crafted via the More Menu> Hero or by tapping his icon in the upper-left corner of your Empire view. These items often provide bonuses to your entire Empire, like +50% food production, so they are very valuable.
Stats at Level 1: Standard Equipment Crafting Cost Reduction: 1%Stats at Level 2: Standard Equipment Crafting Cost Reduction: 2%
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 3, Column 2 'Crafting'
Banishment Portal
Description: 'Banish an enemy Hero to activate these boosts. You must have a level 20 Citadel or higher to have your Hero banished or to banish others.'
The Gist: The Banishment Portal comes in handy once you begin taking on higher level battles. Banishing an enemy's Hero can have strong repercussions on their Empire as they will lose that Hero's boosts.
Stats at Level 1: Attack: 1%
HP: 1%
Speed: 1%
Stats at Level 2: Attack: 1%
HP: 1%
Speed: 1%
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Build and Upgrade your Banks to increase Gil production. Construct multiple Banks to increase overall production.'
The Gist: The Bank produces Gil, one of the primary resources required for buildings, upgrades, troops, etc. More, and higher level, Banks allow you to produce Gil faster and store more of it in total.
Stats at Level 1: Rate/Hour: 50
Resource Caps: 25,000
Stats at Level 2: Rate/Hour: 90
Resource Caps: 29,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'The Barracks allows you to train more troops at the same time in the Training Grounds. Construct multiple Barracks to increase your overall Training Capacity.'
The Gist: Similar to the Hospital Ward and the Hospital, the Barracks simply lets you queue up more Troops for training at one time. Even with multiple Barracks, however, you will only be able to train one type of Troop at once. You can also dismiss Troops from the Barracks.
Stats at Level 1: Training Queue: 10Stats at Level 2: Training Queue: 20
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Leveling up your Citadel unlocks new upgrades for your Empire and provides extra bonuses and rewards.'
The Gist: The Citadel is your Empire's main hub and the backbone of most upgrades. Almost anything you build or upgrade will require a certain Citadel level. Consider your Citadel's level representative of your Empire's progress as a whole.
Stats at Level 1: Guild Help maximum: +1
March Size: 1,000
March Slots: +1
Troop Capacity: 900,000
Barracks, Hospital Ward, Gold Mine
Stats at Level 2: March Size: 2,000
Troop Capacity: 1,000,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Upgrading your Embassy increases your reinforcement-housing Capacity. The owners of the reinforcing Troops pay their upkeep. If you need to be defended, ask your Guild to send some reinforcements!'
The Gist: The Embassy allows your Guildmates to assist you by sending their own Troops to help reinforce and defend your Empire. This is helpful if you've been scouted by a stronger Empire and won't be able to build all the necessary defences in time.
Stats at Level 1: Reinforcement Capacity: 15,000Stats at Level 2: Reinforcement Capacity: 17,500
Available on More Menu: No
Guild Hall
Description: 'The Rally Leader is the person who initiates the war. Only the Rally Leader's Hero may lead a War Rally. Any troops donated to the Rally will take on all the attributes of the Rally Leader. This includes Research, Boosts, Hero Skills and Equipment, Realm Titles, and Banishment Portal Boosts.'
The Gist: The Guild Hall allows you to assist Guildmates in offensive attacks. You won't need to worry about building this until you've joined a Guild.
Stats at Level 1: Rally Capacity: 30,000Stats at Level 2: Rally Capacity: 35,000
Available on More Menu: No
Hero Monument
Description: 'The Hero Monument gives your Hero an EXP bonus. If your Hero becomes banished and you choose to hire a new Hero, the Hero Monument will save a certain amount of EXP and put it towards your new Hero. A higher level Hero Monument will provide a bigger EXP bonus and retain more EXP from a banished Hero.'
The Gist: The Hero Monument is sort of like the Resource Vault, but for your Hero's EXP. Prior to reaching Citadel level 20 when banishment first becomes a threat, a Hero Monument is still useful in providing a bonus to all Hero EXP earned.
Stats at Level 1: Hero EXP Retention: 46%
Hero EXP Modifier: 5%
Stats at Level 2: Hero EXP Retention: 47%
Hero EXP Modifier: 6%
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Upgrade your Hospital to increase Troop Healing Speed. The Hospital only heals wounded Troops defending your Empire, it does not treat reinforcing Troops. Build Hospital Wards to increase your Troop Healing Capacity.'
The Gist: If your Empire is attacked and Troops are injured, they will automatically be sent to the Hospital to be treated. Troops that cannot fit in the Hospital or its Wards may die.
Stats at Level 1: Injured Troop Capacity: 100
Hospital Healing Speed: 2%
Stats at Level 2: Injured Troop Capacity: 300
Hospital Healing Speed: 4%
Available on More Menu: No
Hospital Ward
Description: 'Upgrade your Hospital Ward to increase the number of troops your Hospital can treat. Build multiple Hospital Wards to increase your overall Hospital Capacity.'
The Gist: Similar to the Training Grounds and Barracks, Hospital Wards merely act as capacity increases for the Hospital, allowing more Troops to be treated and saved after a battle.
Stats at Level 1: Injured Troop Capacity: 100Stats at Level 2: Injured Troop Capacity: 200
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'The Prison allows you to capture and detain other Citadel-level-15 Heroes. When you reach Citadel level 20, you can also build a Banishment Portal that will allow you to banish Citadel-level-20 Heroes or higher. Upgrade both buildings to banish enemy Heroes more quickly. A higher-level Hero takes longer to Banish.'
The Gist: The Prison works best with the Banishment Portal, but is otherwise a temporary holding cell prior to actually banishing an enemy's Hero.
Stats at Level 1: Detention Time Decrease: 02:00:00Stats at Level 2: Detention Time Decrease: 02:07:00
Available on More Menu: No
Proving Grounds
Description: 'Enter the Proving Grounds and slay monsters for valuable rewards! Each hit on the monster will drop resources or useful items, and killing the monster will produce a wall of chests for you to choose your own reward.'
The Gist: Send your Hero on one-v.-one battles against monsters to earn valuable rewards. The battles require Elixir or Loyalty Points in order to attack, so this building is more useful once you've joined a Guild.
Stats at Level 1: Access Level 1 Monster BattlesStats at Level 2: Access Level 2 Monster Battles
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 2, Column 1 'Proving Grounds'
Resource Vault
Description: 'Upgrading your Resource Vault will protect more resources if an enemy attacks.'
The Gist: The Resource Vault ensures you won't lose everything in case of an enemy invasion. Attacking players will not be able to take anything stored in your Resource Vault, and you can decide which resources' protection to prioritise.
Stats at Level 1: Resource Vault: 500,000Stats at Level 2: Resource Vault: 542,000
Available on More Menu: No
Trading Post
Description: 'The Trading Post allows you to deliver Resources to Guild Members. Upgrade it to increase your Resource Help Capacity and reduce the tax rate.'
The Gist: Like the Guild Hall, the Trading Post is only valuable once you've joined a Guild, but it is an important part of being a helpful teammate once you do.
Stats at Level 1: Resource Help Capacity: 5,000
Trading Post Tax: 50%
Stats at Level 2: Resource Help Capacity: 14,000
Trading Post Tax: 49.5%
Available on More Menu: No
Training Grounds
Description: 'Level up your Training Grounds to boost your Training Queue and increase Training Speed.'
The Gist: The Training Grounds are where you'll actually create the Troops used to defend your Empire or attack other players' bases. If you lose Troops in battle, you can replenish them by training more here.
Stats at Level 1: Training Queue: 20
Training Speed: 1%
Stats at Level 2: Training Queue: 30
Training Speed: 2%
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 2, Column 4 'Train'
Description: 'Upgrading your University speeds up your Research and unlocks new improvements for your Empire.'
The Gist: The University provides a lot of permanent unlockable benefits. You can increase your resource production, unlock stronger defences, learn new Hero skills, etc.
Stats at Level 1: Research Speed: 1%Stats at Level 2: Research Speed: 1.2%
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 3, Column 4 'Research'
Description: 'Traps defend your Empire against attackers, so be sure to build plenty of them! Upgrade your Wall to increase Trap Capacity.'
The Gist: The Wall is where you reinforce your defences against any invading players. Having reinforced walls and other traps will reduce your Troop casualties in case of an invasion, and give you a better chance of victory.
Stats at Level 1: Maximum Trap Count: 3,000
City Defense Attack Bonus: 10%
Stats at Level 2: Maximum Trap Count: 3,500
City Defense Attack Bonus: 15%
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 3, Column 1 'Build Traps'
Description: 'The Watchtower will warn you of all Marches that target your Empire or its Encampments. This includes Trades, Attacks, Reinforcements, and Scouts.'
The Gist: The Watchtower is essential for knowing what's happening to your Empire when you're playing or away. Being alerted to an impending attack can give you extra time to shore up your defences, or plan a counter-attack if your Watchtower is high enough level to tell you the invader's name.
Stats at Level 1: Warns of incoming marches on Empires, resource tiles, or the Crystal.Stats at Level 2: No difference - next enhancement at level 5.
Available on More Menu: No
Energy Extractor
Description: 'Build and Upgrade Energy Extractors to increase your Empire's Energy Production and Capacity.'
The Gist: The Energy Extractor produces Energy, one of the primary resources required for buildings, upgrades, troops, etc. More, and higher level, Energy Extractors allow you to produce Energy faster and store more of it in total.
Stats at Level 1: Rate/Hour: 50
Resource Caps: 25,000
Stats at Level 2: Rate/Hour: 90
Resource Caps: 29,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Build and Upgrade Farms to increase your Empire's Food Production and Capacity.'
The Gist: The Farm produces Food, one of the primary resources required for buildings, upgrades, troops, etc. More, and higher level, Farms allow you to produce Food faster and store more of it in total.
Stats at Level 1: Rate/Hour: 50
Resource Caps: 25,000
Stats at Level 2: Rate/Hour: 90
Resource Caps: 29,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Build and Upgrade Mines to increase your Empire's Metal Production and Capacity.'
The Gist: The Mine produces Metal, one of the primary resources required for buildings, upgrades, troops, etc. More, and higher level, Mines allow you to produce Metal faster and store more of it in total.
Stats at Level 1: Rate/Hour: 50
Resource Caps: 25,000
Stats at Level 2: Rate/Hour: 90
Resource Caps: 29,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Build and Upgrade Quarries to increase your Empire's Stone Production and Capacity.'
The Gist: The Quarry produces Stone, one of the primary resources required for buildings, upgrades, troops, etc. More, and higher level, Quarries allow you to produce Stone faster and store more of it in total.
Stats at Level 1: Rate/Hour: 50
Resource Caps: 25,000
Stats at Level 2: Rate/Hour: 90
Resource Caps: 29,000
Available on More Menu: No
Description: 'Upgrade your Treasury to increase the amount of Gold you earn with each deposit!'
The Gist: The Treasury lets you earn free Gold via interest. You simply deposit Gold here and after a couple of hours, collect both your deposit and return. While your Gold is in the Treasury you won't have access to it for any other uses.
Stats at Level 1: Certificate: 10%
Duration: 2 Hours
Maximum Return: 10 Gold
Stats at Level 2: Certificate: 50%
Duration: 2 Hours
Maximum Return: 50 Gold
Note: The Level 2 Treasury is a Premium unlock. You must buy an IAP worth at least $4.99 to be able to build it.
Available on More Menu: Yes - Row 6, Column 1 'Treasury'


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